I bought a big canister of coffee the other day. I thought it was 30 RMB but it was actually 80 RMB. I was considering returning it. See, the coffee you buy here at supermarkets isn't really coffee usually, it's like this weird vicious hazelnut tasting brown liquid. However, it was A LOT of coffee, so I decided to go for it. When I got home I tried it out, and poured some into the boiling water in my fancy Victrola mug. I stirred it up, slowly raised the black liquid to my mouth, and took a sip... my god. It was like miniature army men were having a war in my colon and large intestine. I briskly walked to the bathroom and relieved myself for the next 5-10 minutes. It was glorious. In lieu of good tasting coffee, the way I measure how "good" the alternative coffee is is by seeing how soon and how powerful my next trip to the bathroom is after I have a cup. Needless to say, this coffee ranked pretty high. That was yesterday.

This morning, I got up, made myself breakfast, dropped an egg on the floor, forgot to clean it up, had my coffee, and went to work. When I was 100 meters from my building when a woman came up and tapped me on the shoulder. She asked if I spoke Chinese and I said a little bit. We ended speaking about 50/50 in basic Chinese and English. From what I gathered, she works for some media company and was trying to hire me to work in an TV advertisement, or a TV program or something. I'm not exactly sure. She gave me her card and I'm supposed to email her a headshot. The wheels are turning in my head on how to make a fabulous one. I think Westerners get asked pretty often on the street to work in TV stuff, but still it's a little flattering and could be an interesting story. 

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